A. Background
Indonesian society is a multicultural society because it consists of various ethnic groups, races, languages, cultures and religions. In this paper will discuss about inter-religious harmony in Indonesia are generally religious people of Indonesia are very diverse, consisting of the religion of Islam, Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, Buddhist and hu chu kong.The Indonesian people are destined to inhabit this archipelago and consists of various tribes and descendants, with the language and customs are diverse, and therefore differences in the religion of each citizen should not be a cause of discord that could endanger the life of the Nation, but rather as a tool for binding and extension mempositifkan five existing common ground, namely: one nation, one language, one country, one ideology, and one government. (MORA RI, 1980: 5)Cause of a wide variety of religious communities in Indonesia profess not escape history. Where Indonesia is located in the path of world trade that causes traders to stop in various coastal areas in Indonesia began to settle down and teach the religion and culture of the traders to the people of Indonesia who was not religious and still adhered to animism and dynamism.The inclusion of religion in Indonesia is uneven causing the multicultural society in Indonesia, especially in religious matters. Differences in religious affiliation with the people of Indonesia should be able to tolerate inter-religious life as an inter-religious people against each other there will be conflicts that can undermine national integration of Indonesia.One of the prerequisites of the modern establishment of a democratic society is the realization of that value diversity (pluralism) community and the nation and make it a necessity. For that we need each other to maintain harmony among religions. Historically a lot of conflict between religious communities, such as the conflict in Poso between Muslims and Christians. Religion here is seen as a trigger or a source of conflict. It is ironic that while the conflict is essentially a religion teaches its adherents to live in peace, helping each other and respect each other. Therefore let us keep the ties of brotherhood among fellow believers.Among religious harmony in Indonesia are still many problems left. The cases that arise in this respect can not be erased completely. Case of Ambon, Kupang, Poso, and others still leaves the problem like a fire in a husk which at times ready to simmer and heat up the atmosphere around him. This indicates that the public's understanding of harmony among religious believers need to be reviewed.The number of conflicts involving religion as a trigger that requires serious attention to take anticipatory measures for peaceful religious life in Indonesia in the coming masamasa. If this is ignored, feared to appear more serious problems in developing nations and countries in the political, economic, security, cultural and other fields.The change of era, as now we are supposed to increase public awareness of the importance of unity and oneness. But the reality is quite the reverse. The wind of freedom of reform impact is less controllable. This would be especially dangerous when it occurs in the midst of the nation's high level of heterogeneity such as Indonesia. Indonesian people aspire to a society of peace and bound by a sense of national unity to build a pluralistic country. Unity is no longer discriminate against religion, ethnicity, class, interests, and the like.Conflicts between religious communities in the society that multkultural is a great challenge for society and government. Because of the conflict can be a serious threat to the integration of the nation if not managed properly. Because during this conflict may arise between religious communities due to breakdown of the fabric of correct information among the followers of the religion from one party to another party so that the resulting negative prejudices.This issue is discussed on the basis that religion today plays a strategic role in human life. Religion has the function of guiding and directing people to become better. But keep in mind also that the emergence of religion is a potential source of conflicts in society. Berabagai beloved country Indonesia has a range of religions namely Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism Buddhism ddan that the presence is a source of potential emergence of a wide range of religious conflict. Therefore, in our country that is the basis of Pancasila through grains and the Constitution 45 Article 29 Paragraph 1 and 2 as a foundation in religious life.
B. Problem FormulationBased on the explanation of the background of the issues above, it may be possible formulation of the problem is as follows:A. How to create inter-religious harmony?2. Factors inhibiting the tolerance and solutions to confront the barriers of tolerance.
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