Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

The first experience from the last 7 out

This is the first experience since 7 years ago. A kputusan that may be too heavy (cengeng. .. hehe :-)) tuk tuk to leave the house briefly catch a glimpse of the outside world. Today I tried a lot of people the most I kasihai, dear ... my father ... my mother, hahhaa .. Together with best friend is now trying to open a new kertasa another, trying to self / even more depraved? hahahaha that's how we react to certain akuberusaha to maintain the trust has given the other olehorang.All human beings want to enjoy the words of adolescence genah ga, I (the slang language hehehe) I feel for this yet able to enjoy it. Actually what is the difference with my life yesterday?? That's what I'm looking for right now ....Housed in a boarding house, boarding house with a rent of 250 thousand / month menjoba while looking for that first taste. I'm now in a boarding disebuah klo my opinion is "EXTREEM ...". How engga try, a couple that I know they sendri dah ga pa married life blum dalamsatu klo lo imagine the room was his own, what they lakuin try, free to freely ......I'm confused by this situation but frankly I feel comfortable and at ease, at least so it knows the state of youth today. Ga I know what their parents know their children pa nda live in this environment. But I'm sure 99.00% of their parents may ga tau, which will greet the favorite son, the pride they can hidaup with men who have become their husbands. Huh was really ...But I feel that I enjoyed while in this state, ga tau tomorrow, or even 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, is up to them is the point ...Me as a prospective educator's current candidate rather hheheh Graduate Education, nantiakan on call "Mr. .. Mr. Danang Pujiono, S.Pd. .....) are concerned with this situation. How sad ga try, morals are nasty rooted deeply in today's youth ... it becomes a big challenge for me as a teacher of Pancasila and Citizenship Education, Moral loh .. hahahaaha ... mas ... moral ...This time I was really able to open the eyes of a child actually boarding the mngkin it ... not all like that, but at least it becomes an input for parents, Lu, Gue, they also will become parents. Well ... now the question is how the fate of our children will someday do the same ...? or .. even worse than this ...?? You must be able to answer, or draw their own conclusions ... and the answer is Definitely worse than this ...Widened my own paranoid-klo klo my pride girl can later rely more severe than this .... I'm going ga teima favorite girls relish that comes out of nowhere he freely without touching the child's favorite girl there is a legal bond, the official ... Marriage ....Duty as a parent getting there more and more weight. Actually, I feel scared, confused ... how entar ya?? whether can I keep my girls until marriage??Ga child can dikerasin, but left also WRONG! so maybe now that I see parents giving excessive confidence to their daughters ... so finally gini .. living in the rich valley of humiliation "adultery".I opened it holier than thou, I realized also with my situation right now, first ... ga but I think so far, maybe I have lakuin aoa the first is still in the category of "reasonable ..." I menrut hell, and I know what the limits of reasonableness, the hahahhaa ..So yes please, I'm trying melakuin important still dalah levels wajr natural course .... maybe ....

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