Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Learning Implementation Plan (RPP)

Learning Implementation Plan (RPP)

Name of School: SMP N 1 Donate Subject: Citizenship Education Class / Semester: VII / 1 Allocation of Time: 2 × 40 minutes (1 x meeting) Competency Standards: Describe the meaning of the first proclamation of independence and constitution Basic Competencies: Demonstrates a positive attitude towards the meaning of the proclamation of independence and constitution of the atmosphere of mysticism first
I. Learning Objectives After finishing the learning process, learners can 1. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards the struggle of Indonesia in achieving independence; 2. Menunujkan positive attitude towards the importance of independence; 3. Menunujkan positive attitude towards inheritance values ​​45 (spirit perjuanganya) 4. . menunujkan positive attitude in the independence
II. Learning Materials 1. Positive attitude towards the struggle of Indonesia in achieving independence 2. Positive attitude towards the importance of independence 3. Positive attitude towards inheritance values ​​45 (spirit perjuanganya) 4. Positive attitude in the independence

III. Teaching Methods 1. Lectures Varies 2. Discussion

IV. Step by Step Learning A. Initial activity (10 minutes) 1. Frequently asked questions about the subject matter before. 2. Teachers communicate learning objectives to be achieved in teaching and learning activities. 3. Teachers motivate learners through some questions with respect to material that will be discussed. 4. Learners listen to the explanation presented subject matter.
B. Core Activities (60 minutes) 1. The teacher explained again briefly about the heroes of the struggle waged for independence mencaai. 2. Teachers provide individual tasks to students to make a bouquet with a theme of proclamation meaning to people's lives. 3. Some students are given the opportunity to read his essay, another student responded 4. Teachers provide alignment. 5. The teacher asks some students to give an assessment of independence he felt erhadap
C. Closing Activities (10 minutes) Before the meeting ended, first performed the following activities. 1. Teachers provide opportunities for learners to ask if there are less obvious. 2. Students with teacher guidance conclusions discussion 3. Learners record the final conclusion. V. Learning Resources 1. 1945 2. Book Package junior class VII 3. Student Worksheet (BLM) 4. The books that are relevant supporting material.

VI. Evaluation 1. Do the problem statement 2. Keaktivan students
Hint! Put a check (V) in the column corresponding to your opinion! No. Statement Yes No 1. 2.


4. 5. Bringing freedom for Indonesia In a country where freedom of every citizen is free to do whatever At the time of the proclamation of independence was read dated 17-8-1945 nation Indonesia has not had a president First Instance of the 1945 Constitution comes into force after approval by PPKI Determination of the 1945 Constitution by violating the 1945 Constitution PPKI Description: Yes = agree with statement (score 1, if a positive statement, and a score of 0 if a negative statement) No = do not agree with the statement (score of 0, if a positive statement and a score of 1 if a negative statement)

Banyumas, October 6, 2010 Knowing, The Civil Teacher Student PPL

Learning Implementation Plan (RPP)

Learning Implementation Plan (RPP)

Name of School: SMP N 1 Donate Subject: Citizenship Education Class / Semester: VII / 1 Allocation of Time: 2 × 40 minutes (1 x meeting) Competency Standards: Describe the meaning of the Declaration of Independence and The first constitution. Basic Competence: Explaining the meaning of the Declaration of Independence for a the nation.

I. Learning Objectives After finishing the learning process, learners can 1. describes the first proclamation and constitution; 2. explain the meaning of the Declaration of Independence; 3. describes the atmosphere in the struggle to achieve independence; 4. explain the meaning of the birth of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
II. Learning Materials 1. Meaning Proclamation 2. The purpose Nations Struggle to Achieve Independence 3. The Importance of Birth of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia 4. Proclamation of Independence. 5. First Constitution
III. Teaching Methods 1. Lectures Varies 2. Match 3. Debriefing IV. Step by Step Learning A. Initial activity (10 minutes) 1. Frequently asked questions about the subject matter before. 2. Teachers communicate learning objectives to be achieved in teaching and learning activities. 3. Teachers motivate learners through some questions with respect to material that will be discussed. 4. Learners listen to the explanation presented subject matter.
B. Core Activities (60 minutes) a. Submission of information about the nature of the Proclamation of Independence; b. Proclamation of Indonesian Independence (using props to match the form of statements) c. Maintaining Independence Struggle
C. Closing Activities (10 minutes) Before the meeting ended, first performed the following activities. 1. Teachers provide opportunities for learners to ask if there are less obvious. 2. Teacher concludes with a brief explanation of the results. 3. Learners record the final conclusion.

V. Learning Resources 1. 1945 2. Book junior Package Class VII 3. Wildfire LKS class VII 4. The books that are relevant supporting material.

VI. Evaluation 1. Work on the problems essay 2. Keaktivan students
Problem Essay
1. What is meant by the proclamation? 2. What is the Proclamation of Independence of Indonesia? 3. What is the goal of independence for a country? 4. Write the text naskan Proclamation! 5. What is the purpose Ir. Sukarno and Moh. Hatta was brought to Rengasdengklok?

Answer: 1. Origin said the proclamation is from the word "Proclamation" (Bhs. Greek) which means an announcement to all the people, the announcement was especially especially paa matters relating to state administration.
2. The end of colonialism and the start of a new life as an independent Banga, or the achievement of Indonesian struggle to repel the invaders and the beginning of the Indonesian people to decide the fate of his own people.

3. a. escape the shackles of occupation of other nations, b. can live equal with other nations that have been independent in the association between bangas internationally, c.mencapai nation's national objectives.
4. PROCLAMATION We the people of Indonesia hereby declare the independence of Indonesia. Matters which the displacement kekoesaan d.l.l. carefully organized with the manner and within the shortest possible time. djakarta, day 17 boelan 8 tahoen 05 On behalf of the Indonesian nation, Soekarno / Hatta
5. Tujuanya is that Sukarno and Hatta did not have the slightest influence from Japan.


B X 20 = The final value 5 X 20 = 100

Banyumas, October 6, 2010 Knowing, The Civil Teacher Student PPL



By Danang Pujiono 0701030013

Has been inspected and approved by:

Principal, Field Supervisor,

Tohir, S. Pd, M. Pd Drs.Bambang Suroso M. Hum NIP. 19510607 197903 1 0 11 NIK. 2160102

Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT gratitude for His mercy and grace so I can finish with either PPL activity. Authors dedicate this special page for: 1. Beloved parents, who always prayed and always give support. 2. Friends of PPL SMP Negeri 1 Donate:  Abror Alkindi  Helmin P  Anita Kusuma W  Aan Febriyanti  Desiana Maya P  Aulia Anastasia  Dwi FESTINA H  Santi Erviyana  Winda Nirwana  Arif Nasrullah  Rosiana N.K.S  Srikhotun Fatikha 3. To my friends in HMPS Civics and History:  Slamet Efendi  Tri Joko  Revelation 4. My students in classes VII and VII in particular class C.

Thank God we pray Allah SWT, which has bestowed His mercy and grace so I can finish this Practice Field experience as a result of observation, orientation and instructional practices that have been the author carried out in junior secondary school (SMP) State implemented a Donate for three months starting from August 4 to 13 November 2010. Practice Field Experience is an attempt to teach training for students, especially for teacher training courses Muhammadiyah University of Navan as a prospective educator. In practice the students were introduced to the situation, condition, and all activities in secondary school (SMP) State 1 Donate. In these schools students actually plunge as an educator. Because the student must prepare everything for the smooth process of learning, such as mastery of the material, grade processing, management of teaching and learning process, determine teaching methods, preparation methods to teach, develop other teaching preparation. With holding of this event is expected that the prospective teachers are not awkward anymore in starting his profession as a teacher at a later date. Field Experience With the completion of these practices, the authors would like to thank those who have helped and gave a lot of guidance are to: 1. Mr. Drs. Joko Purwanto M. Si, as Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. 2. Mr. Drs.Pudiyono, M. Hum, CCN-PPL chairman of Integrated UMP 2010. 3. Mr. Tohir, S. Pd, M. Pd, as the Head of SMP Negeri 1 Donate. 4. Mr. Drs.Bambang Suroso M. Hum, as the Field Supervisor (DPL). 5. Prof.. Dr. H. Tukiran, MM, as Supervisor and Examiner (DPP), which has provided direction, guidance, and advice to the author during the performance of PPL. 6. Mother Indrijan S.pd officials as teachers of citizenship education (Civics), which has provided direction and guidance. 7. The entire staff of teachers and employees in the SMP Negeri 1 Donate. 8. The students at Junior High School 1 Donate in general and class VII students in particular. 9. All parties who can not mention one by one author who helped smooth PPL in SMP Negeri 1 Donate
The author realizes that in compiling this report are still so many shortcomings and weaknesses because of the limitations that the authors have. But the author is hoped that this simple statement can bring benefits to all readers. To the authors say thank you suggestions and criticism is the author of hope for the perfection of this report.

Navan, 13 November 2010

The author,

TITLE PAGE i Ii CERTIFICATION PAGE PAGE iii offerings Iv FOREWORD Vi TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I. LESSON 1 EYE A. Syllabus and Learning Unit Lesson 1 B. Subject Objectives 2 C. Subject learning materials 4 D. Subject Characteristics 6 CHAPTER II. PRACTICE OF LEARNING 9 A. Implementation of Teaching 9 B. Factors Supporting Learning Process 10 C. Obstacles Preses Learning 12 D. Problem Solving in Learning 13 CHAPTER III. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 15 A. Conclusion 15 B. Suggestion 15 APPENDIX


CHAPTER I PREPARATION PRACTICE LEARNING A. Syllabus and Learning Implementation Plan Mapel Education is the main gate and the first in an effort to realize human resources better. Education should be able in good repair and renewal system or aspects of material capable of being formulated with the educational process and output quality education as a milestone because the success of a nation. A great nation is never apart from the quality of human resources. While the superior human resources may not exist in the absence of an adequate education. All facilities and infrastructure pendidikanpun with the times should be adjusted so that the existing education to offset the increasing progress of time. Therefore, a change in competency-based curriculum (CBC) to level of the education curriculum (curriculum) should be not only a discourse, but really - really can make a vehicle for the implementation of advanced and quality education. Regarding the basis of changes in the existing curriculum is based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 regarding National Education System of article 3 of the function and purpose of national pendidikann and section 35 of the national standards of education and also the demands of globalization in the field of education in order to spur results of national education can compete with educational outcomes developed countries. According to an enhanced Competency-Based Curriculum in the Education Unit Level Curriculum that every individual has the potential to be developed, then a suitable learning process is that the potential of children to always be creative and develop. Real form of decentralized management of education is to give authority to the school to make decisions regarding the management of education, as in the management of the curriculum, both in its formulation and pelaksaannya at school. The curriculum is seperaangkat plans and arrangements concerning the purpose, content and teaching materials and methods used to guide the implementation of learning activities to achieve specific educational goals. The specific objectives include national education goals as well as compliance with the attributes, conditions and potential areas, the education unit and learners. SBC is operasioanal curriculum developed by and implemented in each educational unit. SBC itself consists of the educational level of the education objectives, structure and level of the education curriculum, education calendar and syllabus. SBC refers to the development of national education standards to ensure the achievement of national education goals that consist of content standards, processes, competence of graduates, educational personnel, facilities and infrastructure, management, financing and educational assessment. From the eighth nasioanal education standards which become the main reference is the content standard (SI) and standard konpetensi graduation (SKL). The curriculum implemented in SMP Negeri 1 Donate Education Unit Level Curriculum is that in the implementation of a praktikan apply their learning through the approach and methods that reflect the activity of students is one of them using the method of discussion and question and answer. B. Subject Objectives Subject Objectives Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) is an operational educational curriculum developed by and implemented in each educational unit. SBC applied in Indonesia began the academic year 2006/2007, replace Curriculum 2004 (Competency Based Curriculum). 2KTSP consists of educational level of the education objectives, structure and level of the education curriculum, education calendar, and syllabus. SBC mandated by Law Number 20 Year 2003 regarding National Education System and the Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards and the main reference is the content standard (SI) and standard konpetensi graduation (SKL). Content standards is the scope of materials and level of competence as outlined in the graduate competency requirements, competency assessment materials subject competencies, and learning syllabus that must be met students at certain levels and types of education. Content standards are guidelines for the development level of the education curriculum that includes: 1. basic framework and structure of the curriculum, 2. burden of learning, 3. level of the education curriculum, and 4. Calendar of education. Competency standards (SKL) is used as a guideline judgments in the determination of graduation of students from the educational unit. SKL includes the competencies for all subjects or subject groups. Competency is the ability of graduate qualifications that include attitudes, knowledge, and skills in accordance with the agreed national standards. Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) has been applied in junior secondary school (SMP) State 1 Donate and its implementation is one of the subject Civics Education (Civics). In the implementation process of learning refers to the syllabus and curriculum. For the subjects of Citizenship Education (Civics) formulated in several standards of competence which is then translated into several basic competencies (syllabus attached at page attachment).
Pelaksanaaan syllabus and Learning Plan (RPP) is a guideline for a teacher before he began teaching. Concepts and sub concepts in the syllabus and Learning Implementation Plan has been sorted according to subject systematics. In SBC, the curriculum needs adjusting to the local environment (such as natural environment, social, and cultural) to the learning process can be achieved effectively and efficiently. Activities include curriculum adjustments to the selection of methods, means of learning, and distribution.
C. Learning Materials Subjects Civics learning materials that I use when teaching is taken from various sources and materials science that leads to the Civics lesson for junior high level because the writer is faced with the reality that the present writer was in junior high school environment. While the determination of subject matter and description of the subject matter is grain - grain materials needed lesson learners to achieve basic competency.  The principle to be considered in determining the subject matter and description of the subject matter is: a. The principle of relevance (suitability of subject matter with the basic competencies to be achieved). b. The principle of consistency (constancy of the subject matter with the basic competencies and competency standards). c. Educational principle (adequacy of a given subject matter to achieve the basic competencies that have been determined).  The material has been the author of over PPL ongoing practice are as follows:
No Date of Class Materials 1 August 30, 2010 Describes the nature and significance of law for a meeting of citizens VII C 2 20 September 2010 Explaining the nature and significance of law for citizens meeting two VII C 3 August 29, 2009 showed the positive attitude towards the norms prevailing in kehidpan community yan VII D 4 August 31, 2009 Applying the norms and customs customs regulations in kehidupam society, nation and state was a meeting to 1 VII B 5 2 September 2009 Applying the norms and customs customs regulations in kehidupam society, nation and state was a meeting to 2 VII B 6 9 September 2009 Explaining the meaning of the proclamation of independence VII D 7 15 September 2009 to analyze the relationship between the proclamation of independence and VII of the 1945 E 8 11 November 2009 showed the positive attitude towards the meaning of the proclamation of independence VIII C

D. Subject Characteristics Education in Indonesia is expected to prepare students to be citizens who have a strong and consistent commitment to maintain the Unitary State of Republic of Indonesia. Nature of the unitary Republic of Indonesia is a modern nation-state. Modern nation-state is a state that its formation is based on the spirit of nationality or nationalism is on the determination of a community to build a future together under the same country, although the citizens of different religions, race, ethnicity, or group. Indonesia should avoid authoritarian system of government which memasung rights of citizens to run for democratic principles in the life of society, nation and the state. Democratic life in the everyday life in the family, schools, communities, governments, and organizations of non-government needs to be known, understood, internalized, and applied for the realization of the implementation of democratic principles. In addition, the need to defend the country also invested awareness, respect for human rights, pluralistic nation, environmental protection, social responsibility, obedience to the law, obedience to pay taxes, as well as the attitudes and behavior of anti-corruption, collusion, and nepotism. Subjects Citizenship Education is a subject that focuses on the formation of citizens who understand and are able to exercise the rights and obligations to be a citizen of Indonesia who are intelligent, skilled, and character who mandated by the Pancasila and 1945 Constitution.
1. Destination Citizenship Education aims subjects so that learners have the following capabilities. a. Think critically, rationally, and creatively in response to the issue of citizenship b. Participate actively and responsibly, and act intelligently in the activities of society, the nation and state, as well as anti-corruption c. Developing positively and democratically to shape itself based on the characters of Indonesian society in order to live together with other nations d. Interacting with other nations in the world arena is directly or indirectly by utilizing information and communication technology. Teaching Civics is not just providing material that will meet the students' memories, but more distant, their own needs and in accordance with the needs and masarakat. Society is in addition to being the source material and Civics also became his laboratory. Knowledge, concepts and theories which have been obtained Civics students in the classroom, but can be matched in the community can also be applied. Society is a real place to try out all Civics knowledge he had learned as society became a real knowledge for the community. Subjects which can be used as a source on the teaching of Civics History, Law, Politics and Sociology. The method is a way to achieve the goal. Teaching method is a way of teaching to achieve the goal pengajaranya. Factors affecting the accuracy of the use of a variety of methods including: goals, students, teachers, situation, facilities and so forth. 1. Lecture method Delivering the lesson of this method is the narrative orally. In the lecture, the teacher can use these tools: blackboard, board, diagrams, and others. The advantage of this method is able to direct the class teacher, but the downside is monotonous, passive class and the students are not active. 2. Drill method Drill method is a method of intensive exercise Its targets are motor skills and mental prowess. 3. Question and answer method Question and answer method is a method of delivering the lesson by asking questions to students. The question is given more to guide so that students can find their own answer. 4. Discussion method The essence of this method is that students are trained to memencahkan persoalaan collectively with a deliberative approach in addition to the training of social communication skills among fellow human beings. 5. Demonstration and experimental methods This method directs students to be able to learn something through empirical facts which they experienced themselves. Impression and the feeling of something that will be discussed in this method is more felt by the students
2. Learning Media Subjects The use of media in teaching and learning is aimed at ease in learning. Another function of the media is to motivate students in receiving any material. To allow the instructional media to function optimally it is necessary to consider the general characteristics of the media, namely: a. Media education can generally be seen or heard b. Media education is a learning tool in class / outside the classroom c. Media education is an intermediary that is used for education d. Media education as a learning tool By looking at the characteristics of the above, then the media can be grouped into several types: • Electronic media: TV, VCD, slide projector, OHP, etc. • The print media: books, worksheets, modules, posters, etc. CHAPTER II PRACTICE OF LEARNING
A. Preparation and Implementation of Practice Learning Prior to PPL students perform in front of the classroom teaching and learning activities then the first thing most do is: 1. Observation Observations made to the class that will be used as a place of learning practices. This is intended to allow students to know the characters praktikan students in that class. Besides, students also observe the way teachers officials give or convey to execution of the subject matter. 2. Stages of Implementation a. Receiver Task At this stage the student was given the job of officials of the curriculum teachers used as reference in making the implementation of teaching. b. Develop coaching Lesson Unit Mahasisiwa guidance in making the implementation of the lesson units in accordance with the duties received from teachers officials. Preparation of teaching is left to the teachers officials no later than one day before practice implemented c. Implementation of Practice Teaching Each student implement appropriate teaching practice / teaching based on the preparation of teachers who have been approved by officials who emphasize on: 1) explain the procedures and methods according to the needs of the implementation of the learning process 2) use learning resources effectively and efficiently 3) creating and using a medium of instruction is required d. Consultation Each mahasisiwa consultation and discussion with the supervising teacher to get information and suggestions on the implementation of teaching practices that have been implemented for the next training improvements 3. Execution time The timing of the teaching practice of the school that is starting from 4 August to 13 November 2010 and for each student get 8 times face to face with different Learning Implementation Plan and there is even more than 8 times face to face.
As for the implementation of teaching practice exams starting from the 8th till the 13th of November 2010 and each received a one-time opportunity face to face. 4. Implementation Results The results of the implementation of teaching practices in general are good and the average student is able to teach. However, there are still kekuranganya and need to be told in terms of making Learning Implementation Plan. It can be seen and observed from some of the Learning Implementation Plan prepared by students praktikan still seems there are some notes from teachers officials in a separate column.
B. Factors Supporting Learning Process Factors supporting learning Donate SMP Negeri 1 are as follows: 1. The existence of the preparation of teachers, for example: a. Teachers prepare units first lesson will be given to students. b. Teachers should prepare appropriate visual aids and effective for the learning process so that students can understand abstraktif. c. Teachers should determine the appropriate methods to be used for material that will be taught. d. Before starting a lesson, teachers are required to prepare mentally good that the students were impressed that the teacher is very possible that students will not underestimate the material to be provided. 2. The Teacher Classroom Management In a teaching-learning process, will be very successful when supported by the composition of the class quiet and conducive for the continuity of the lesson. This is where teachers are expected to organize a class, rather than just providing the material. Classroom management depends on how teachers' attention and exposes students who might be able to cause disorder in class mislnya like not recorded, not not pay attention when teachers deliver the material, and so on. 4. Interest in Learning Interest is the subject of a steady tendency to feel interested in the subject or subject specific language and was pleased to learn the material. The high interest of the teacher as the teacher will encourage teachers to always eager to convey a lesson, so the willingness of teachers to provoke students to learn 5. Motivation Motivation is an impulse that arises in a person knowingly to perform an action with a specific purpose. In this case the teacher is expected to be able to motivate students to oelajaran to be given, due to the high motivation of students the concentration of students to the very full lesson, students will better understand the results given material 6. In Intonation gestures Gestures and expression of a teacher is very influential on students' beliefs when the intonation and the words of the teacher, students will be motivated to follow what the teacher is to convey 7. Attention Attention is a mental activity that is enhanced so that students can learn well, so that the material sought is always interesting lesson so that students are more enthusiastic in belajar8 8. Student Talent Is a natural ability to acquire knowledge and skills, both general and specific 9. Learning Facilities Facility is the completeness of which can support students' learning at school. After all classrooms, labs and learning tools that can support the learning process. 10. Encouragement and guidance of a tutor / teacher so praktikan officials can figure out what to do and be prepared.
C. Factors Inhibiting Learning Process Besides there are contributing factors in the learning process, there are also some factors inhibiting learning activities. There are several inhibiting factors, namely: 1. Lack of preparation of teachers so as to make delivery of content that is not smooth. 2. The perception of students that teachers praktikan is a temporary teacher so the teacher is not so reserve the crucial role in delivering value to the students. Therefore underestimate students against teachers and also the material provided, if supported by teacher factors that seem not mastered the material so that students will play himself, chatting with his friend, sleepy and not paying attention when the teacher was delivering a lesson. 3. How to Submit Material Because praktikan still lacking in presenting the material, especially in the use of sentences, so that students praktikan difficult to understand and had to repeat. Thus the use of time spent on less effective and efficient. 4. Lack of Discipline Students Student discipline is lacking, especially when the lessons are interrupted by a break then the students will go late. If supported by teachers who do not enforce discipline the students will Meras relaxing to get into the class and receiving these subjects.
D. Solving Problems In Learning In order for the learning process goes well according to what is desired, and can peak at optimal results, then it must be able to solve praktikan factors that inhibit learning and teaching, in particular by 1. Praktikan should really prepare materials that will be taught to students before the learning process begins so that teaching and learning activities to be smooth. 2. Praktikan get used to using simple sentences that are not made-up and fast, so that students can easily understand. 3. Praktikan should be able to provide guidance and explanation to the students that social studies subjects, especially geography is very important to be studied and known. 4. Praktikan must try to act like a teacher and have to be serious, decisive and wise so praktikan authority will look like the real subject teachers, thus any of the material can be accepted as the true subjects praktikan anyway and will not feel humiliated. 5. Students praktikan intense consultations with the officials concerned with how teachers understand the character of different students and how to overcome them.

A. Conclusion After the author describes at length about the Practice Field Experience (PPL), finally I can give conclusions: 1. PPL is the practice of teaching is done by each student where the student positioned himself as a teacher in front of the classroom teaching-learning process in schools that have been determined for the practice. 2. Field Experience in Practice activities (PPL) praktikan feel in their activities many factors that can support teaching and learning activities, such as: libraries, teachers, counselors and media 3. Factors that always hinder the teaching process for praktikan is get a good use of sentence intonation and simple, can give an explanation that the subjects of Geography is important to learn, and should strive to be like an actual subject teachers 4. Teachers should always provide the motivation to learn at sisiwa so that students will be motivated and have high morale to learn 5. Teachers must be closer to her students at the time of the learning process takes place, so it can be said to succeed
B. Suggestion 1. SMP Negeri 1 Donate in receiving praktikan for all subjects that are used for teaching and learning activities should be more than now 2. Regulations for school students must be improved so that students better appreciate the teachers and students also praktikan and obey school rules 3. For the government, education is a long term investment then education should be emphasized, especially the education budget and tuition. Many children who do not feel for the sweetness only due to the high school education, but in terms of intelligence he was able to 4. For senior teacher, guide us who are beginners menginjakan foot in the world of education 5. For fellow PPL, do not hesitate to always ask the senior teachers to advance ourselves

Send "Love Story" Ringtone to your Cell

We were both young when I first saw you I close my eyes And the flashback starts I'm standing there On a balcony in summer air
See the lights See the party, the ball gowns I see you make your way through the crowd And say hello, little did I know
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles And my daddy said stay away from Juliet And I was crying on the staircase Begging you please don't go, and I said
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess It's a love story baby just say yes
So I sneak out to the garden to see you We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew So close your eyes Escape this town for a little while
'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter And my daddy said stay away from Juliet But you were everything to me I was begging you please don't go and I said
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess It's a love story baby just say yes
Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel This love is difficult, but it's real Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess It's a love story baby just say yes Oh oh
I got tired of waiting Wondering if you were ever coming around My faith in you is fading When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said
Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone I keep waiting for you but you never come Is this in my head? I don't know what to think He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said, marry me Juliet You'll never have to be alone I love you and that's all I really know I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress It's a love story baby just say yes
Oh, oh, oh, oh 'Cause we were both young when I first saw you

t's widely regarded as the ultimate romantic movie for a good reason.

To be honest I was quite surprised as the low rating the movie gets her, since I've always been under the assumption that this movie is widely regarded to be the best and ultimate romantic movie ever made.

The movie has all the ingredients a romantic movie needs, even the most formulaic ones. Two totally different boy and girl from different social levels fall in love with each other and of course not everyone in the environment (mainly the parents of course) are happy with this. Their love life has a couple of ups and downs in which they have to weight some choices for themselves against choices for their love together. Further more the movie also features an unavoidable dramatic twist in which one of the characters get seriously sick (Don't worry, this is not really a spoiler since this is mentioned right in the beginning of the movie already). In other words this movie has all of the formulaic sappy sounding ingredients to make this a sappy formulaic romantic movie. Yet "Love Story" is not. Why? It's hard to put your finger on why "Love Story" is so much more and so much better than your average love story but I guess that you can still answer this question, once you start analyzing the movie. Although the story and all of its elements are sappy and formulaic the movie itself doesn't try to be sappy or dramatic. The movie doesn't attempt to make you cry, by putting in over-the-top dramatic filmed moments with dramatic loud music and all that sort of stuff. Instead the movie chooses to take a realistic approach, no real surprise, considering that this is a '70's movie. The decade in which the most realistic (and best) movies were made. It has as a result that the movie never feels forced or overdone. It even makes the most formulaic and predictable elements of the movie work out, as strange and unbelievable as it might sound. You also have to keep in mind that at the time it was released, this movie was not formulaic at all. It was a fresh approach on the genre and inspired many later movies. In a way "Love Story" was bare raising and set the standards for many later romantic movies. The movie was nominated for 7 Oscar (of which it won 1 in the end) not just for no reason.

The movie is obviously made on a low budget but it makes the end result look all the more creative. It's effectively directed by Arthur Hiller, who later went on directing lame comedies. A real waste of talent. The musical score by Francis Lai is a classic and the simple effective cinematography from Richard C. Kratina makes the movie feel all the more realistic.

The movie made Ali MacGraw and Ryan O'Neal big stars for the moment and they were both even nominated for an Oscar. To be frank I didn't even always liked their characters in the movie and I've never been to fond of Ryan O'Neal as an actor. In that regard I liked the supporting cast way better with John Marley, Ray Milland and Tommy Lee Jones in his very first (and very small) screen appearance. He looked so amazingly young, that he was hard to recognize.

Although the movie takes some formulaic and obvious dramatic turns, the movie still always remain perfectly watchable, just not always emotionally involving enough. So I'm not to sure about it if this is a movie that can (still) make people cry. Nevertheless the movie still has its powerful moments, mostly due to the realism of it all. Everybody should be able to recognize the situations- and put themselves in the place of the characters of the movie. Everybody have been through similar events in their life at one point, in one way or another.

Now days lots of people actually complain about the tag-line and famous quote from the movie; 'Love means never having to say you're sorry'. People find this a stupid and illogical line. To those people I would like to say; Wait until you've truly falling in love once. If you've REALLY been in love, you'll understand what is the meaning of that line. Love is about mutual respect and also accepting each others less pleasantries and still love each other for it. This also means never having to apologies to each other. Actually when I was in love once and the girl felt the same way about me (Yes amazing, I know. It seems like ages ago now), whenever one of us said 'sorry' for something the other always said; 'You never have to apologize for anything to me'. None of us had ever seen the movie or heard of its famous line before, so I think that really says something about the line and the truth that is in it.

It in my opinion certainly is one the best and perhaps most influential romantic movie ever made. A must-see that deserves more objective respect and higher rating on here.



story of love

Harvard Law student Oliver Barrett IV and music student Jennifer Cavilleri share a chemistry they cannot deny - and a love they cannot ignore. Despite their opposite backgrounds, the young couple put their hearts on the line for each other. When they marry, Oliver's wealthy father threatens to disown him. Jenny tries to reconcile the Barrett men, but to no avail. Oliver and Jenny continue to build their life together. Relying only on each other, they believe love can fix anything. But fate has other plans. Soon, what began as a brutally honest friendship becomes the love story of their lives. Written by Anonymous