Rabu, 21 Desember 2011



By Danang Pujiono 0701030013

Has been inspected and approved by:

Principal, Field Supervisor,

Tohir, S. Pd, M. Pd Drs.Bambang Suroso M. Hum NIP. 19510607 197903 1 0 11 NIK. 2160102

Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT gratitude for His mercy and grace so I can finish with either PPL activity. Authors dedicate this special page for: 1. Beloved parents, who always prayed and always give support. 2. Friends of PPL SMP Negeri 1 Donate:  Abror Alkindi  Helmin P  Anita Kusuma W  Aan Febriyanti  Desiana Maya P  Aulia Anastasia  Dwi FESTINA H  Santi Erviyana  Winda Nirwana  Arif Nasrullah  Rosiana N.K.S  Srikhotun Fatikha 3. To my friends in HMPS Civics and History:  Slamet Efendi  Tri Joko  Revelation 4. My students in classes VII and VII in particular class C.

Thank God we pray Allah SWT, which has bestowed His mercy and grace so I can finish this Practice Field experience as a result of observation, orientation and instructional practices that have been the author carried out in junior secondary school (SMP) State implemented a Donate for three months starting from August 4 to 13 November 2010. Practice Field Experience is an attempt to teach training for students, especially for teacher training courses Muhammadiyah University of Navan as a prospective educator. In practice the students were introduced to the situation, condition, and all activities in secondary school (SMP) State 1 Donate. In these schools students actually plunge as an educator. Because the student must prepare everything for the smooth process of learning, such as mastery of the material, grade processing, management of teaching and learning process, determine teaching methods, preparation methods to teach, develop other teaching preparation. With holding of this event is expected that the prospective teachers are not awkward anymore in starting his profession as a teacher at a later date. Field Experience With the completion of these practices, the authors would like to thank those who have helped and gave a lot of guidance are to: 1. Mr. Drs. Joko Purwanto M. Si, as Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. 2. Mr. Drs.Pudiyono, M. Hum, CCN-PPL chairman of Integrated UMP 2010. 3. Mr. Tohir, S. Pd, M. Pd, as the Head of SMP Negeri 1 Donate. 4. Mr. Drs.Bambang Suroso M. Hum, as the Field Supervisor (DPL). 5. Prof.. Dr. H. Tukiran, MM, as Supervisor and Examiner (DPP), which has provided direction, guidance, and advice to the author during the performance of PPL. 6. Mother Indrijan S.pd officials as teachers of citizenship education (Civics), which has provided direction and guidance. 7. The entire staff of teachers and employees in the SMP Negeri 1 Donate. 8. The students at Junior High School 1 Donate in general and class VII students in particular. 9. All parties who can not mention one by one author who helped smooth PPL in SMP Negeri 1 Donate
The author realizes that in compiling this report are still so many shortcomings and weaknesses because of the limitations that the authors have. But the author is hoped that this simple statement can bring benefits to all readers. To the authors say thank you suggestions and criticism is the author of hope for the perfection of this report.

Navan, 13 November 2010

The author,

TITLE PAGE i Ii CERTIFICATION PAGE PAGE iii offerings Iv FOREWORD Vi TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I. LESSON 1 EYE A. Syllabus and Learning Unit Lesson 1 B. Subject Objectives 2 C. Subject learning materials 4 D. Subject Characteristics 6 CHAPTER II. PRACTICE OF LEARNING 9 A. Implementation of Teaching 9 B. Factors Supporting Learning Process 10 C. Obstacles Preses Learning 12 D. Problem Solving in Learning 13 CHAPTER III. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 15 A. Conclusion 15 B. Suggestion 15 APPENDIX

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